GRIIDC Presents Poster at 2018 AGU Meeting in Washington, D.C.

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GRIIDC presented a poster on data management training at the American Geophysical Union fall meeting in Washington, D.C from December 10 -14, 2018.

GRIIDC Program Manager, Rosalie Rossi, attended the American Geophysical Union (AGU) fall meeting in Washington, D.C. from December 10 -14, 2018. The AGU fall meeting is the largest international meeting of Earth and space sciences in the world. Along with attending sessions focused on data repositories and data citation, Rosalie presented a poster titled “Lessons Learned: A Data Repository’s Experience Requiring Data Management Training” for the session “Research Data Management: Developing Standards for Data Usability and Trust and Building Capacity with Targeted Data Training for the Research Team”. The poster focused on data management training requirements for Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) RFP VI funded researchers.

In 2016, GRIIDC began hosting training webinars to help researchers navigate the system, submit quality data and metadata, and provide data organization best practices. As the quality of data and metadata improved, GRIIDC determined that these webinars could mitigate previous issues. In 2017, the GoMRI data policy was updated requiring that each newly funded research consortium or individual investigator complete three training sessions within specific dates of their grant agreement. The training sessions included an introduction to the GoMRI data management program, organizing data – best practices and GRIIDC submission, and how to submit data to GRIIDC. The training sessions were offered by webinar and as workshops presented at the 2018 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.

After hosting over 50 webinars, offering six workshops, and training 260 researchers, GRIIDC identified some improvements for future training including using software to track presentation views, making webinars more interactive, hosting additional in-person workshops, requiring a quiz at the end of the training, and allowing researchers the ability to test out of training. GRIIDC is hopeful that the training will help researchers provide quality data submissions not only for the remaining GoMRI projects, but for data they will generate in the future as well.

GRIIDC is always excited to participate in this meeting and hopes to attend this year’s meeting in San Francisco, California.