GRIIDC Accepting Harte Research Institute Data
The program that started it all, the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI), has sadly come to an end. With one door closing, another one has opened as GRIIDC continues to create new partnerships and serve as the leading data repository for the Gulf of Mexico. GRIIDC currently houses data from the Mississippi Based RESTORE Act Center of Excellence (MBRACE), the Texas OneGulf Center of Excellence, Florida RESTORE Act Centers of Excellence Program (FLRACEP), and the National Academy of Sciences Gulf Research Program.
GRIIDC is based out of the Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies (HRI) at Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi and naturally, HRI has committed to utilize GRIIDC as the primary data repository for their vast range of data. HRI has many research departments including Coastal Conservation and Restoration; Coastal Ecosystem Processes; Conservation and Biodiversity; Ecosystem Science and Modeling; Fisheries & Ocean Health; Geospatial Sciences; HydroEcology; and Socio-Economics.
GRIIDC will be providing the same services as our other partnerships including training, data management planning, issuing DOIs for datasets, and storing and sharing data. GRIIDC will be holding training workshops/webinars to help HRI researchers become familiar with organizing and submitting data to our system. We encourage researchers to reach out to us with any questions or concerns regarding their data or the use of our system. Users can also refer to our Training and User Guides on our website for additional guidance.
We are excited to continue working with partners, such as HRI, who align with our mission of promoting data transparency and continual scientific discovery. We encourage other research institutions and individual researchers to store their data with us and welcome invitations to train more interested parties!