New Updates to GRIIDC Model Data Guidance

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Computational Modeling Data

Not all GRIIDC data are alike. The rise in technological advancements through computational modeling has produced some exciting new ways to study countless environmental processes. GRIIDC is pleased to have the ability to manage and house this kind of important model data from prominent researchers in their respective fields. However, submitting modeling data to GRIIDC requires some specific guidance and explanation, which is why we have our own GRIIDC Model Data Guidance that aims to help researchers as they organize and submit their modeling data.

New Updates to Model Data Guidance

GRIIDC has been making a lot of improvements throughout our system, as well as updates to our guidance documents. Recently the GRIIDC team made some updates to the GRIIDC Model Data Guidance including: (1) a list of public national data archives where input data may be hosted and does not require submission to GRIIDC, (2) a list of suggested data output formats, and (3) more detailed examples of hypothetical datasets and what they should include.

The newly updated GRIIDC Model Data Guidance can be found on the Training and User Guides page.

We hope these updates offer some clarification and provide users with the resources they need to make the submission process as straightforward as possible. However, the GRIIDC team is always happy to answer questions via email: