Recognizing Dr. Rita Colwell

white wave effect
Rita Colwell

Dr. Rita Colwell. Photo Credit: Consortium for Ocean Leadership.

AGU has released the 2020 Honors recipients!

Every year the American Geophysical Union (AGU) American Geophysical Union (AGU) awards researchers in the Earth and space sciences honors for their, “excellence in scientific research, education, communication, and outreach.” We are excited to hear that this year Dr. Rita Colwell, GoMRI Research Board Chair and Distinguished University of Maryland Professor, has been awarded AGU’s highest honor- the William Bowie Medal.

AGU grants the William Bowie Medal “in recognition of outstanding contributions to fundamental Earth and space science and for unselfish cooperation in research.” The medal was created to honor AGU’s first president, William Bowie, due to his “helpfulness and friendliness in unselfish cooperative research.” Dr. Colwell exemplifies these traits and GRIIDC is thrilled she has been recognized for her exceptional work and impact to the scientific community, particularly in the Gulf of Mexico.