GRIIDC 2022 Year in Review!

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Welcome 2023! The GRIIDC team had a busy past year developing new improvements to the data management system and working with researchers to store and share their data. It was a successful year as the GRIIDC website now holds 3,323 datasets representing 169 terabytes of data! Let’s look back at GRIIDC’s accomplishments in 2022.

January: GRIIDC released a new dataset landing page! The new page features an improved layout with the ability to download individual files or the entire dataset.

February: Mississippi Based RESTORE Act Center of Excellence (MBRACE) hosted the 2022 All-Hands Meeting in Jackson, Mississippi where the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) and Mississippi Department of Marine Resources (MDMR) presented updates on their projects. Data funded by MBRACE are located in GRIIDC.

April: GRIIDC exhibited a booth at the first ever in person Gulf of Mexico Conference (GOMCON) held in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. GRIIDC also participated in the Gulf of Mexico Alliance (GOMA) Data and Monitoring Team meetings. GOMCON pulled together more than 800 coastal scientists, managers, and professionals from federal and state agencies, academia, non-profits, and industry to collaborate and discuss coastal research and management in the Gulf of Mexico. GOMA hosted this event in partnership with the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative and Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies.

May: Search improvements were made to the GRIIDC search application. GRIIDC software developers released the ability to search for multiple UDIs or DOIs separated by spaces and return all datasets with those DOIs or UDIs.

June: Easier login! Users now can log into GRIIDC using their username or registered full email, allowing a more versatile process.

July and August: GRIIDC developed the ERDDAP (Environmental Research Division Data Access Program) link and badge on the dataset landing page, indicating if a dataset is located on the GRIIDC ERDDAP server. The ERDDAP server allows the user an easy way to search, explore, and download data in a variety of data formats.

September: Improved the ability to search for GRP information products, providing a description of the information products. Advancements are also being made for information products all projects stored in GRIIDC.

November: Waterbird Society Meeting – Rosalie Rossi hosted the Harte Research Institute booth, sharing HRI and GRIIDC services to scientists.

December: American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting – GRIIDC Program Manager, Rosalie Rossi, attended the AGU meeting virtually. The AGU Fall Meeting gathers various researchers, scientists, educators, policymakers, and other supporters to better understand and provide input for overall conservation.